Committee on Vitality

Equips congregations to grow and experience God in vital worship and mission, promote congregational partnerships and support ministries of evangelism.

Get in touch with the committee at

Usual Meeting Time

The third Monday of each month at 1pm.

…see the calendar

Congregational Vitality Presentations


Resources from the Committee

If you’re on the committee & looking for your shared files, you’ll need to go to the Shared Drives (not “Shared With Me”) section in your Google Drive. Contact the office if you need assistance.

See below for quick resources from the Committee on [Whatever], or visit the Resource Center for more.

Tempered Resilience Webinars

The Committee on Vitality recently sponsored a series of webinars with Tod Bolsinger centered around resilient leadership in a changing world. Visit to see the videos and download the other presentation materials!

Center for Parish Development

The Committee on Vitality is continuing their partnership with the Center for Parish Development, working together on a congregational renewal program with several churches within the Presbytery.